Mihai Bilauca


Dr. Mihai Bilauca is a founding member of eiro since 2007 and the economic co-ordinator since then. He was appointed as a director of EIRO CLG in 2019 and continues to be actively involved in economic development activities.

Mihai is a computer scientist with strong academic, research and professional background in strategy development with over 20 years’ experience working in the public sector as an engineer and leading organisational change through ICT and digital transformation. Experienced in enterprise support for innovation and in regional economic development as Head of Digital Strategy for the Limerick City Region. Experienced in leading innovation and urban digital transformation programmes and also large multimillion EU projects (Horizon 2020, Interreg, etc.) as former Head of EU Programmes for the City of Limerick, Ireland. Member to a wide range of local, national, EU and international organisations and networks for technology, innovation, smart cities and strategic alliances (ISO, ACM, Harvard Cities Innovators, WBA, ICS, TM Forum, etc.). 
